Sofija Ruta Kornhubere

I am a graphic design student in my 5th semester. My focus lies in layout and editorial design, with a particular interest in binding techniques and materials. 

Editorial Icons
Dual Perspectives
Women In Literature
Cities I’ve Lived In
Collection Of Notebooks

Editorial Icons

Editorial Design and some of its biggest 
contributors is an editorial design project that delves into the influential works of various designers. 

Swiss Binding
Coptic Stitch
Hand Bound 

Dual Perspectives

Dual Perspectives in Editorial Design: Clear Communication and Visual Narratives explores two sides to communication in editorial design. The project consists of 7 texts that are presented on both sides of the book. One side focuses on a clear system that underlines the important information. The other side focuses on conveying stories through visual interpretation.

Tête-bêche book
Coptic Stitch
Hand Bound


This book is a collection of love stories that dive into grief, teenage love, and even taboo relationships. The design sticks to Helvetica throughout, with all text in the same point size for a clean, simple look. Each story has a side column with personal reflections, and some end with a posterzine that highlights key words on one side and a house illustration on the other. The color of the illustration reflects the emotion of the story.

Coptic Stitch
Hand Bound

Women In Literature

Women In Literature is a project exploring different perspectives on how women are portrayed in literature by male and female authors. One posterzines capture the tone and perspective of male authors describing women, while the other reflects how female authors depict their own characters. The color palette was carefully selected to reinforce these contrasting viewpoints together with a cohesive visual system where images and pull-out quotes serve as the primary visuals.


Cities I’ve Lived In

The 4 books describe 4 cities that I've lived in. Each book has a different style of the typeface and each style has been assigned to the city that it best represents. How can we showcase the personality of type through its use? How do we choose the right typeface for each project? These were the questions that I worked with. This project is all about connecting the emotion of the content with the typography.

Saddle Stitch
Hand Bound

Collection Of Notebooks

Eight handbound notebooks alternate between black and white in different combinations, creating a varied contrast throughout the set. Some have black covers with white pages, others reverse the scheme, and stitching colors shift between black and white to add another layer of variation. Every other cover features an abstract face stitched by hand, making each book unique. Bound with a mix of French link and Coptic stitches, they are held together by an elastic band with a safety pin, bringing together different techniques in a personal exploration of bookbinding.

French Link Stitch
Coptic Stitch
Hand Bound